chasy cat

January 28, 2012   Comments (0)

bindicoots watch out If you are a bindicoot, I do think you should watch for this. It sounds totally dangerous.
What I found as funny as the name of the product is that “Chasy Cat” has this lovely tear-off dispenser but the grocer has stocked it with the ‘Laxman Rekha’ cockroach repellent.
Which reminds me of the BEST ever sign for “krezy rat maar” painted on the Mahim causeway wall. The tagline, in Hindi, read “choohon ka encounter kar de“.



May 9, 2011   Comments (6)

sale and buyThis one’s from Fort, Mumbai. (The area formerly known as the Kala Killa, I believe). The same fort had four gates and Churchgate is a hangover from that. Today, Fort is teeming with small shops selling electronics, dildos (yes!), “watche’s” (which must be the code name for the Isprit, ESPRET, SPRIT, Ralex and other fine variations I see there) and more for buy and sale ๐Ÿ˜‰


yeah jaam, tumhare naam!

April 1, 2011   Comments (0)

beencePost 3 of 3 from a Fort Kochi menu ๐Ÿ˜€
Those are some great Continentar options… I’m pretty partial to becked things myself, how about you?



March 30, 2011   Comments (4)

ombletPost 2 of 3 from Salt’n’Pepper cafe in Fort Kochi. The food was better than the spelling.
Porched eggs are my favorite, waise. And they have so many plane options … ๐Ÿ˜€


what’s a fish plant?

March 28, 2011   Comments (4)

sislersSo we all know that Malyalees get a raw deal when it comes to their agzent. I mean accent ๐Ÿ˜‰ So at the risk of perpetuating that, I have to share these. this is the first of 3 from Fort Kochi. I don’t think you need more from me, I’ll exit gracefully and leave you to study the menu…

(p.s. yes, Chopsy is a European Special)

(how do you like your sisler? well done? raw?)


romance is still in the air

February 21, 2011   Comments (0)

Ok, sorry, another old post. I captured this on Carter Road’s Khau Gali.
We were then trying to figure out what the flavors could be.
I came up with “sickly sweet.” (And “passion in a cup”)
Kit, what was the one you came up with? Any other ideas for romantic flavors?


would you ask for this by name?

February 16, 2011   Comments (5)

Erm….yeah. Sorry.
I took this photo through the counter top of a small kirane ki dukan. I asked first, of course. ๐Ÿ™‚
What I want to know is WHO names these things? And even if they didn’t know what poop means in English and do not associate that no one really wants something with such implications going into anyone’s mouth, let alone a baby’s, still, how would you christen a product something like that? How?
The mind is boggled.


for your … geometric needs?

February 12, 2011   Comments (2)

This one is near Siddhi Vinayak temple. For your tots. Or not.
I believe that “titbits” is perfectly acceptable in the United States as a term for what we, east of the Atlantic refer to as “tidbits”. But then, I’m no angel. That’s just my 2 cents, I could be factoring too much in, adding 1+1 and getting 11 …


now isn’t that sweet?

October 4, 2010   Comments (4)

heartattackYou really can get anything your heart desires in India ๐Ÿ™‚ And usually around the corner from where ever you are! Like this place – heart attacks and judging from the photos in the ads below, much, much more… And probably for a much better price than anywhere else.
Let’s see … vada pav, INR 7; samosa plate, INR 10; bhajia and pakodas, INR 10. Yeah, heart attacks available pretty damn cheap anywhere you look. How lucky we are ๐Ÿ™‚


hommade undies

August 29, 2010   Comments (1)

hommade undiesThis one’s from closer to home than the last post. Very, very close to home, actually – I found this at the local supermarket. If you’re still figuring it out, let me help you – it’s recycling at its best: cartons of men’s briefs (I can’t tell what brand it is, can you?) stocked with toor dal, moong dal, and ‘hommade’ garlic/ginger paste. Well, that’s not really what I expect to find in a packet of briefs, but hey, it’s all a means to an end …

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