
October 24, 2015   Comments (0)

Can you even believe this landscape? #fall2015 #travel #newyork #blog

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The sibling and I went to Caumsett State Park — everywhere we looked was glorious.
In foreground is the Long Island sound, and beyond is the Atlantic ocean.

Days like this, walking out amidst trees and breathing in the cleanest air, ducks on the water, geese overhead winging it south, the only sound the whisper of the breeze and the lapping of the gentle waves … I miss living here where there is space to get away to (though I love my life in Bombay.)
Anyway, what a view!

#fall2015 #travel #newyork #blog Shared via Instagram http://ift.tt/1S1DIrv and IFFT


And a #GGLAM time was had by all

October 22, 2015   Comments (0)

Inside the William Kerr theatre, where @prashraj777 (@raj_attack) and I watched 'a gentleman's guide to love and murder' today. What a beautiful old theatre, I believe it was renovated to replicate the original decor not long ago. And such an awesome production. The actors where fabulous, of course (you don't get the Tony for best musical for nothing) as was the set design. The plot was deliciously devious and the lyrics sublimely droll. We were in such a good mood when it finished. Oh, and we got to upgrade our seats halfway through because the matinee wasn't full. So much fun. I wish we could have also caught 'Something Rotten,' but … we'll watch it next time. (We got discount tickets off the @TodayTix app btw.) #nyc #broadway #culture #funny #ttglam #blog

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Brighton is hip!

October 17, 2015   Comments (0)

To offset crazy cat lady behaviour, here's the sky last night on my way to @andiecrossan's for a lovely evening. It's so odd to be back in my very first stomping grounds, working across my first apartment here, cursing the same buses, walking past some of the same establishments … Twin Donuts has been here since *at least* 1999. I didn't enjoy Brighton much when I lived here. I'd just moved for grad school from Poland, and looking back I think it was a period of upheaval and adjustment… but then Brighton weren't no beach either 😉 it's pretty hip now, but it was quite shady back then and really badly connected to the rest of the city. Also, I didn't bike then … which would have made commuting so much easier. Hindsight … 20/20 #BostonDiaries #travel #blog #musings

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It was so weird to me that I was taking the same routes on the MBTA that I had back in 1998 and 1999 – and shockingly the #64 and #86 are still perpetually late or arrive in threes because something is up with their scheduling. I was at the same bus stops (now with a modern rain shelter at the Brighton end). The old super market is still there but the furniture store is now a hip liquor store with craft beers galore (I got some pear and apple cider) and beautiful whiskeys plus the mandatory hipster staff. New Balance has expanded massively and I can’t believe I actually am nostalgic for this area.
Also: I realized that the village I lived in in Poland right before we moved here has a web site now.

#BostonDiaries #travel #blog #musings Shared via Instagram http://ift.tt/1OL2N9R and IFFT


Velo Blues in Davis

October 16, 2015   Comments (0)

How cool IS this? The mbta has taken out the open bike racks at Davis Square and put in this cage. Pedal and Park. Entry and exit is carded. The bikes are *safe* ( God knows I single-handedly kept the bicycle bell industry going, it was stolen so many times. Plus rear tyre, seat, even handlebars once!) – man! I would totally sign up for this. I walked down the bike path today and it was so peaceful. I love that biking is not only sanctioned as an option, it's given thought and preference by the planning authorities. There are bike lanes and yield signs. There are bike rental hubs, you can sent them short term and return them. I really, really miss having the space and freedom to zip around the city, nimbly maneuvering traffic, confident that people will follow the traffic rules and not dart across when it's not their signal. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. When will India ever catch up? Not in my lifetime, I'm afraid. #boston #BostonDiaries, #travel #bicycles #publictransport #musing #thirdworldproblems #blog

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Tuned to The World!

October 13, 2015   Comments (0)

Today I wrote a story for the web site to accompany a story I sorta helped on.

#radio #100saripact #boston #travel #podcast #blog Shared via Instagram http://ift.tt/1G9MIJs and IFFT

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