
November 29, 2013   Comments (0)

This is the welcome mat outside a friend’s house. The irony is that the wife bought it. Consider yourself warned.

(p.s. Rohini, this one’s for you! Congratulations and all good wishes to you both.)


Pipes of peace

November 25, 2013   Comments (0)

In a soul-less mall in Singapore, we chanced upon this space where volunteers were asking passsersby to leave a message and a little bit of themselves behind through impromptu art made from colorful pipe cleaners. I made a flower (of course) with two different colored pipes but I was amazed at the imagination and skills of the other artsy-craftsy people who’d come before!



November 22, 2013   Comments (0)

A teeny tiny, fully ripe, totally sweet watermelon from my mother’s terrace vine. July 2013.



November 20, 2013   Comments (1)

Psalm 23
Even in white, there is color. This moulin (or mill) is maybe a few hundred years old, but could have formed overnight, too. And there are rich veins of blue, compacted ice exposed as the hole widens. Breathtaking.
(Breiðamerkurjökull glacier tongue, near Jökulsárlón, Iceland, October, 2013)


Blue Lassi Dog

November 18, 2013   Comments (0)

blue dog
Sentinel near our hotel in Benares, this little chap kept his perch (and his profile angled away) regardless of who went past.


Yea, though I walk in death’s dark vale

November 15, 2013   Comments (1)

Psalm 23
The wonderfully modern stained glass inside the picturesque church at Vik on the southern coast of Iceland. I loved the minimalistic design on each window, but this one particularly moved me.



November 13, 2013   Comments (3)

There are sunsets, and then there are sunsets when just for a brief slice of time you feel humbled and breathless from being bathed in this kind of ineffable beauty.


tiger in my soup

November 11, 2013   Comments (0)

Who couldn’t be charmed by this decal? I loved it. This is on the wall of the Yum Yum Tree, a restaurant in New Delhi where the sushi is pretty damn good.

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