
November 20, 2013   Comments (1)

Psalm 23
Even in white, there is color. This moulin (or mill) is maybe a few hundred years old, but could have formed overnight, too. And there are rich veins of blue, compacted ice exposed as the hole widens. Breathtaking.
(Breiðamerkurjökull glacier tongue, near Jökulsárlón, Iceland, October, 2013)


Blue Lassi Dog

November 18, 2013   Comments (0)

blue dog
Sentinel near our hotel in Benares, this little chap kept his perch (and his profile angled away) regardless of who went past.


Yea, though I walk in death’s dark vale

November 15, 2013   Comments (1)

Psalm 23
The wonderfully modern stained glass inside the picturesque church at Vik on the southern coast of Iceland. I loved the minimalistic design on each window, but this one particularly moved me.



November 13, 2013   Comments (3)

There are sunsets, and then there are sunsets when just for a brief slice of time you feel humbled and breathless from being bathed in this kind of ineffable beauty.


genda phool

July 31, 2013   Comments (0)

Some time last year, the road by the Radio Club in Colaba was festooned with these. I don’t think I’ve ever needed to use the word ‘festooned’ before but it’s the only one that fits. The little globes are, of course, marigolds – definitely the coolest genda phool collection I’ve seen.


still life with moving cat

July 29, 2013   Comments (0)

This is in Aamchi Mumbai, in the Ranwar village – that is Chapel road and Waroda road – Bandra. There is much better, clearer graffiti up in the area, including the famous Amitabh Bachchan wall, but then, the bike and kitty weren’t there, now, were they? (I also learned that this area was called Colaria Grande by the Portuguese and is one of the original koliwadas, or fishing hamlets, that made up the island of Bondura.)


The Indian ‘caution: hot’

July 8, 2013   Comments (1)

Made me laugh. But then, I’m easily amused.



June 28, 2013   Comments (0)

And the monsoon clouds are back. Here, we rejoice the months of rain that breaks up our two seasons – hot and hot. I don’t miss the cold rain of North America at all.

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