
September 12, 2011   Comments (0)

beenceHouse warmings are such fun to attend. Invariably everything isn’t quite in place yet, the host/hostess can’t find the glasses or the bottle opener; the person who was to bring the ice is stuck in traffic; decorations aren’t up yet… but this one I went to recently was much better put together. They even managed to keep this lit for a good … uh, 5 minutes? Pretty, no? And symbolic, I thought – beginnings, ends, all looping around each other.


A Digital Age

April 22, 2007   Comments (0)

digital candles

I guess we do live in a digital age. But, but, but … shouldn’t they only be binary 1’s and 0’s?? Anyway, here are some Bittoo Digital Candles for your birthday cakes … 😉

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