in the land of Durga

February 12, 2008

I’m loving Kolkata. I will admit the best part about it is that it’s not Delhi 😉 But I really do like it for what it is as much as for what it’s not! It’s been a fun working vacation. I’ve covered some great stories and met wonderful people and eaten so much (mishti and tok) that I’m afraid I’ll pop soon. I love the chai stalls everywhere, I love that they’ll accommodate my request for black tea (in a thimble size cup), that there’s squalor (read character) everywhere and the goddess smiles on everyone. Even from behind bars. Even when larger than life, astride a tiger …


3 Responses to “in the land of Durga”

  1. Ah! Durga Ma!!
    She is so beautiful and divine! Look at her eyes!!!

    I wish I could go to Kolkata to shoot Durga Pooja festival. I would like to shoot Durga Ma in the making, in the studio:-)

    Nice picture you have taken.
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. chhavi says:

    @Abhijit, thank you! your picture of Durga Maa is infinitely cooler though! 🙂

  3. kalyan says:

    Once during college days I had waved around a Pentaz and tried to push myself into crowded mandals as a journalist

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